Only bring along essential items and limit carrying unnecessary things. Bikes can only handle a certain amount of load. Overloading can lead to technical issues such as brake system failures, chain drive malfunctions, tire problems, etc. A quality helmet is also an indispensable item.

Dogs are the Leading Cause of Crashes
When I’m on the road, I perceive pedestrians to be as unpredictable as animals, seemingly risking their lives by crossing without looking. As previously highlighted, the key is to maintain a slow speed. However, in reality, dogs are the predominant reason for accidents, making it essential to stay vigilant for animals suddenly dashing across the road.

Comprehending Horn Usage
Locals in Vietnam predominantly use sound over sight to indicate their presence on the road. Upon arrival in Vietnam, the incessant beeping of motorcycle horns is among the first things you’ll observe. The use of the horn is not an expression of aggression, but rather a way of signalling one’s location. It is important to regularly use your mirrors and conduct diligent checks to stay aware of your surroundings.
Decisive Moments at Traffic Signals
For those who have spent a considerable amount of time in Vietnam, it’s well-known that areas around traffic lights are susceptible to accidents, sometimes with tragic outcomes. As the lights shift from green to red, signaling the need to halt, several individuals try to rush through, leading to collisions. Compliance with traffic rules is vital for maintaining one’s safety.
Always Anticipate the Unexpected
Vietnam’s driving culture operates on a set of unwritten rules that might be challenging for a traveler to grasp immediately. When initially driving in Vietnam, you might find that locals seem to undertake any action on a motorbike – driving in the wrong direction, emerging from junctions without looking, and making unexpected U-turns. Such seemingly irrational driving can easily catch one off-guard. However, the logic is straightforward: locals drive slowly and anticipate the same from you. Continually reminding yourself of this can help mitigate any road rage. Adopting a slow driving pace, while staying vigilant for unexpected actions from every direction, should contribute to a safe journey!